Tag Archives: WWW … Wednesdays

WWW… Wednesdays

To play along, just answer the following questions:

  • What are you currently reading?
  • What did you just finish reading?
  • What is next on your reading list?

Thought I would join in on this posting for today’s post. Reading is one of my escapes, so it makes sense on a day that I want to escape I write about it.

My current read is comfort food, only a couple of chapters in and already, I’m hooked. As far as I can tell it is about a mother and her daughters relationships. We will see where it goes.




The book I just finished reading, was a dual book from Nora Roberts, it is the first of two books on the MacGregor Clan. Playing the Odds and Tempting Fate. The books are basically about a family, and the patriarch is determined to marry off his children, which surprise, he does. Since reading provides an escape for me, these books do just that, give me an opportunity to escape.


As for what is next on my list… It sort of depends on when I finish and what boxes get unpacked next. One book on my list, Cesar Millan’s – Be the Pack Leader (borrowed from my parents), Rachel Cline’s – What to Keep (found at Good Will, liked the look of the cover) or Jennifer Weiner’s – The Guy not Taken, (ie – my life also found at Good Will, read all her other books).

Not only do I love to read, but I love to shop for books, I love bookstores new and used – large and small, thrift stores digging through their book section, or going to garage sales and finding someone who loves books as much as I do.

One of my favorite bookstores I have ever spent time in is a little bookstore in Hyde Park in Chicago, 57th Street Books. It is a bookstore you can get lost for hours in, one that no one will bother you (unless you are with someone who is in a hurry) and you can browse and browse. It is a lovely little bookstore, something very different from the big bookstores if you ever find yourself with time on your hands in the Hyde Park area, make your way to 57th Street Books.

So thankful for spring as garage sales will be starting which means adding to my book selection.

What have you read recently? Where do you shop for books and/or what is your favorite place to find your books?